Wednesday, March 9, 2011


... yet often preoccupied with being okay. (Stuart Emery)

Yeah ... just okay. Huh?!? Defeating, right?

This blurb stood out while reading the other night.

Makes you think.
Often true (?)

It says so much (per me).
-the 'human condition' in general (oh how many of us have that 'picture' in our brains of not being enough, of not being okay, of doubting our worth and gifts)
-the amount of energy expended trying to FEED THIS LIE (the "i'm not okay" lie, that is)

People ... it's time to LET THIS LIE GO.
Really! Pull it out of your brain, your space, your energy, your thoughts. (see and feel it pulled out. I often picture a sort of smoke ... much like memories in the Pensive from Harry Potter movies. Yeah ... nerd here! wink and smile)
Now ... intend to weigh it down and DROP IT LIKE A BRICK! (and, no take-backs!)

Practice this/do this as often as you feel is necessary. Get good and adept at LETTING THINGS GO. (all those silly lies/stories you tell yourself, that get in the way of you being your best, most natural YOU. Just keep dropping stuff!)

Next, you may find you have MUCH more energy to apply to things in life that bring you JOY, things in life that LIFT (rather than deplete). Think of it this way ... you're filling in those now empty spaces with the things you want! Ahhhhhhhhh! How nice that will surely feel!

Start getting comfortable with this ... it's the natural order of things, for the love!

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