Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's All Around Us (Nov. 18)

What you ask?
SUPPORT. It is all around us! (from friends, family, neighbors and The Universe, God, Source, Spirit itself!)

And, incidentally ... asking is key!

ASK - when you feel the need, or whenever!
NOTICE - always! (even when you haven't asked ... your awareness and attention to that which comes and goes in your day-to-day will surely highlight just how much support is there for the taking. Take some!)
FLOAT - What??? Ask. Awareness. And, then ... let go the kung-fu grip, for the love. (I say this as much for me as anyone ... with a knowing smile on my face) Float a bit. Relax. And, again ... notice / be aware.
RECEIVE - Yes, accept support! Take some! Welcome it with open and grateful arms! Ahhhhhhhhh!

A few lovely conversations, occurrences, messages to me brought this short and sweet message to light. Those things that brought this to the page, if you will. And, it is those things (and so much more) that I find uplifting, that I find SUPPORTIVE. Thank YOU ... LIFE!

And, in that beautifully wonder-ous way in which life speaks to us (when we're paying attention, that is) ... as I paused to make my tea before sitting down to type away, I read the quote on my tea bag tab. How perfect (read below)!

LIVE FOR EACH OTHER (goose bumps and tears to the eyes!)
Simple and Oh-so-Sweet, indeed.

Ask For, Notice, Accept (and Offer) SUPPORT.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nov. 10 - Opening Up to Who You Are

Ahhhh, what a truly eye-opening month it has been! A truly wondrous month!
This getting honest/owning it thang is brilliant (when ready to do so ... no matter/no worries. I've played with all of these concepts many times before. For reasons I don't feel the need to analyze ... now was the time for me to go deeper with my experience of them (rather than just theory).)

When we look back on pieces (or the whole) of our journey ... I am struck by how we LIVE into our answers. We LIVE into Us, if you will. (what better way to learn than by living, hey?!)

When you peel away a few more ego layers ... the blinders! ...
When you peel away layers of falsehood (the self-sabotaging, you-getting-in-your-own-way, stuff) ... YOU BEGIN OPENING UP TO THE MORE AUTHENTIC, COMPLETE AND DIVINE YOU!

Kindly indulge me in continuing my personal story with "it all" ....
  • Let's begin with the Ah-Ha! The awareness of my "getting in my own way" story! (note: be kind to yourself when here) "Oooooh, so that's why I'm experiencing the lack!"
  • Opening next to the practice of 'watching my thoughts' and the diligent work of flipping "my story." Shifting Perspective!
  • Continuing on with this powerful and worthy work. (It is work at first!) And, it's DAMN worth it! Mantras. Visualizations. Continued Awareness. Creating NEW stories and visions. Running energy. Continuing to OWN UP (with compassion). And .... OPENING UP to allow "the NEW" to arrive.

So then ... what starts to unfold is the influx of experiences and events that support my new story. And, it can happen fast ... as fast as you want to let it happen! (in tandem with the work to allow for its arrival ... both holding space for it by the above mentioned tactics (mantras, etc.) and the 'black and white' actions (like marketing my services and going cash-only with my finances, etc.) The ACTION is a key component indeed!)

What starts to show up are the wonder-full and wondrous 'rewards.'

Allow me to list a few ....

  • Clients (and the loving of what I do!)
  • Events/Talks and other writings and experiences that validate and confirm this road I am on. One such lovely event stands out -- my choice to attend Peter Hughes' vibe alignment at the Denver Metaphysical Research Society. It was a "speaking to the choir" night for me ... the topic and guidance provided was a direct confirmation of my chosen path over the last month.
  • And, the most power-full (power-full to me) ... the true and unshakable realization that I merely need to ACCEPT and OPEN UP to WHO I ALREADY AM! It is such a calm and beautiful feeling. A knowingness. And, it seems to take care of it all ... the big picture, if you will.

Allow me to share the career aspect of what this looks like for me:

I've spent years working toward my life's passion by way of work/career. All the while simultaneously sabotaging it with my stories/my self-talk.

One of these sabotaging stories I covered in a recent blog -- how marriage and motherhood got in the way of how I used to do things/make things happen.

The other powerfully sabotaging story was the whole "who am I to be in a coaching role" story. That "I am not worthy" voice that is seemingly part of the human experience. (so you end up dancing around 'it' for years ... rather than living it. again, whatever 'it' may be for each of us)

It is NOW that I SEE ... It (career aspirations) isn't something to be working toward, so much as to OPEN UP TO! Who am I? About what am I passionate? When does my 'heart sing?' And, how may I best serve?

This passion for coaching, facilitating and supporting is what I have naturally done my entire life. It is who I am. In opening to this ... I can let Life, The Universe, God support me in LIVING IT. Living My Truth!

And, the support comes in many and varied and abundant ways .... whether experiences with clients, chosen workshops, further schooling, etc., etc., etc. Whatever my heart desires!

Though perhaps always just below the surface ... this opening up to 'who I am' feels gracious, and BIG, and humble and TRUE. (almost a "duh" aspect to it, too. smiles!)

Who Are You? Who are you today? Who are YOU always and in all ways?


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nov. 2 - Stay the Course (no effort ... magic!)

Stay the course, young Jedi! (wink)
After all, we are in warrior mode, aren't we?

And, allow me to start by giving my favorite definition of warrior (it has been tainted by our modern day concept of war)

war·ri·or (wôr-r, wr-) n.
1. One who is engaged in or experienced in battle.
2. One who is engaged aggressively or energetically in an activity or cause

Warriors engaged in our personal quest of self-management, toward a more divine, PERFECTLY-US day-to-day experience. Yeah ... something like that, right?! Smiles.

OK ... so now that's out of the way ... back to the topic at hand.
Staying the Course!

*We are AWARE of our story, our perspectives, our thoughts
*We are diligently working toward positively shifting our story, perspectives and thoughts
*We are OWNING UP to how our story, perspectives and thoughts DICTATE our experience

Doing the above requires some diligence and work, doesn't it?!

Today I'm feeling pulled to remind myself (to remind us) to stay the course, to stay on track. This is noble, important and power-full work in which to be engaged!
(by lifting one, we lift the whole)

So, when finding myself struggling with some of my daily practices ... flipping my story from negative to positive, visualizing, building and running mantras, managing my ego, running energy, etc. ... I remind myself of the following:

No Effort ... MAGIC!
Stop "Trying" ... instead ... Letting!

Yes ... continue the daily practice, the daily diligence, the new habit formation!
But, remind yourself to find more EASE with it. Remind yourself to get into the FLOW by trying the above mantras/self-talk. Let magic, wonder and acceptance (the "letting" bit) play a BIG role!

Still not feeling the flow?
Do not hesitate to shelf "it" (whatever your "it" may be) every now and again.
Put down the burden when it gets heavy.
Have a bit of fun. Play. Dance. Go out with a great friend. Take a hike.
You can always come back to "your work" later. (and, you'll more than likely return to it in a much better state in which to STAY THE COURSE!)

And ... May The Force Be With You! ;)