Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Detachment and FUN

Seems a strange combo, right?
Detachment and FUN.

The reason I chose to group them together is that, as of late, (as I mature, grow, gain wisdom and functional tools), these two things STAND OUT as some of the most helpful "life-management" tools for me.

Looking back is always insight-full, right? When you can see more clearly your path ... which may include how you integrated an idea that perhaps you came across any number of times along the way.

Allow me to use DETACHMENT to get this point across. I've read many-a-passage, article, blurb, book that broached the idea of healthy detachment.
This idea of not being attached to anything, really.
This does not mean that we do not have hopes, cares, things for which we strive, etc.
Rather a healthy separation from such things so as not to let them own/drive us ... so as to enjoy and accept that which comes about (even if, and especially if, it doesn't look exactly as expected).

I would say that when I look back ... I've chipped away at my understanding and true integration of detachment (the living of it, if you will). I expect that I'll continue to learn, understand and integrate this concept for the rest of my days.

Alas, right now ... I feel I've gained a beautiful and EXPERIENTIAL integration of it. A growth period. (yay me! wink.)

DAILY, I have taken to the habit (the to-me, oh-so-effective habit) of SEPARATING/DETACHING from any number of things. For example, how often do we truly attach ourselves to how our significant other does things, our okay-ness with it (or lack of okay-ness), our want to make it different (even if we tell ourselves we are helping ... tricky-slippery slope that helping thang!).

Anyway, I've been working daily to pause, and INTEND to separate from my husband. (POSITIVE separation) This concept of LETTING HIM BE HIM. ALLOWING ME TO BE ME.

It's a functional-meditative type thing. Pull out all of the ways that I impart my "Julie-ness on Guillermo." And, too, pull out all the ways that Guillermo imparts his "Guillermo-ness on Me." Ahhhhh, how very freeing and healthy, indeed!

It works wonders with other aspects of life as well. The sky's the limit!
Ask yourself ... is there anything happening for you right now that is occupying A LOT of your energy and thoughts? Perhaps a career move, a home move, a relationship hope/dream, a to-do list or ???

Regardless ... see and feel what you desire. THEN, detach from it. The to-do list concept illustrates nicely. Make your to-do list. Write it out. Know it's there. But, please don't be running around with "to-do list" energy in your space all the time. YIKES ... talk about racing and an inability to live in the moment.

You get the idea!
Perhaps you set aside a few minutes each morning and afternoon to intend to detach from a few things??

(like my last post ... maybe you see this 'energy' pulled out of your space much like the memories pulled out of the brain ... a la Harry Potter movies. Regardless, find a 'way' that works for YOU. It will surely lighten your load!)

NOW ... how about the FUN thing!?!!

That one is easy-schmeasy!
What Do You Like to Do For Fun?
Think about it a bit. After what activities do you find yourself smiling that authentic, visceral smile?
Write out a few things. Write out a ton of things!

Then ... like the daily detachment process ... MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE A BIT O' FUN EACH AND EVERY DAY!

Detachment and FUN.
Attention to these two things has not only made my day-to-day more smooth, enjoyable, fun and with-ease. But, I think I'm a better ME as a result. (certainly a hell of a lot more fun to be around, for the love!)

Go and Live Life more Perfectly-You! Ahhhhhhhhhh!

With LOVE.

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