Friday, October 15, 2010

Oct. 15 - What's Your Story?

Ah, the stories we tell ourselves!

By "story," I am referring to that which you tell yourself (about anything in your life).
The more-often-than-not unconscious narrative that powerfully determines what you experience in your day-to-day.
The story that you unconsciously use to continually validate the story itself. Funny how cyclical it is. Ah, our truly brilliant, highly functional unconscious minds! (wink)

We all have aspects of our life (relationships, money, career, family, general state-of-being, etc.) in which "our story" is wreaking havoc. But interestingly and perfectly, our story is always playing out exactly as we wish, exactly as we see it. It's our "work" to determine what story we're telling ourselves ... and what experience is thus playing out.
(there's no judgement on whether the narrative is "positive" or "negative" It is what it is. And, it plays out accordingly.)

So, yesterday ... the observer in me caught myself in one of my recurring stories. A story that I've perfected and strengthened when I became a wife and mother. The later giving it lots of extra fuel!

The cool thing is that I've been chipping away at it for some time ... using nothing more than awareness. (beautiful awareness!) And, yesterday felt as if my awareness reached a sort of 'critical mass,' if you will. The light is shining so bright that I SEE. Definitely an "Oooooh, that's what I'm doing" moment! And, an "Oooooh, I do have the "power" realization.

I began my day saying to myself "See! ... this is exactly what I've been talking about ... how am I supposed to ________________ (fill in the blank)"

It was but a second or two after the above self-talk that I stopped in my "mind-tracks" and had my "Ooooooh" moment(s).

I LOVE these types of moments!
When you can detach from your ego a bit ... these moments allow you to SEE and OWN how your life is playing out. AND, perhaps even more beautiful is that these moments open your eyes to your true limitless potential. I SEE myself. And, I AM A-OKAY. And, I CAN determine and create my experience. (I already do NOW!)

So, what was my story?
A healthy narrative of "see how many things get in the way of my creating a successful career, for the love!" (blame, blame, blame, blame, blame)

Hmmmm ... time to re-write (re-wire) my narrative!!

When I caught myself in my story ... I quickly realized how great I do have it. And, I quickly realized that I can change aspects of my story to create the Perfectly-Me narrative/experience. A kick-ass combo of all the roles I play and love in this life of mine!

What's my NEW story?
*I'm grateful for my abundant life ... as wife, mother, friend, trainer and coach, etc.
*I am good at these roles. And, when owning it and being fully present to them ... I am GREAT at them. (me at my best!)
*I am successfully creating the work-life balance that is Perfectly-Me.
*I am healthful and weathful TODAY. (I really am! Because as eluded to above .... when I woke up to THE MOMENT ... I realize that I AM OKAY RIGHT NOW! And I realize the limitless power of MY STORY ... because I get to tweak and perfect and create and love along the way)

My "Work" ... daily check-in and 'recalibration' of my narrative! ACTING on it! OPENING up to whatever comes! (and all over again and again ...)

I'm off to marinate in my "Am-ness"
And, to re-create MY STORY. SMILES!

What's Your Story?

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