Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Your Strengths!

What are they?
Do you get to utilize them daily?

Great questions to ask as you perhaps swirl around in that "beginning of the new year" vibe!

Here's a cool little activity to try:

First, take some time to LIST YOUR STRENGTHS. (What are you damn good at? What have people/managers complimented you for? What are you doing when you notice you feel HAPPY, JOY, 'in the flow', groovin'? Think about jobs you've held ... what aspects did you love? Think about what "comes natural" to you.)

Next, go to http://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/default.aspx. Register (free) and take the free VIA strengths test. 240 questions that you should try to answer quickly (i.e. your first reaction). See what comes up as your top 5 strengths.

Why do all this?

1) It's a fun and insightful practice. Something to do every 3-to-5 years or so ... perhaps even more often if your life has gone through some larger transitions.

2) It fosters SELF-AWARENESS. The better you know your strengths, the more effectively you can move in directions (by choice) where you can UTILIZE YOUR STRENGTHS MORE! (certainly would make life more fun, hey!?)

Finally, I'll end with an except from the book "Strengthsfinder 2.0." (you can purchase and take their strengths assessment as well! $24.95. And, it's a great one ... somehow seems to be a bit more career minded)

"We were tired of living in a world that revolved around fixing our weaknesses. ... What's more, we had discovered that people have several times more potential for growth when they invest energy in developing their strengths instead of correcting their deficiencies."


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